Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day Twenty-Five: Part One

Soooooo it snowed last night. Yesterday, we were warned that we may have a two-hour delay and to expect a call/text between 5:00 and 5:30 AM if that was the case. I slept like crap, as per usual, and when I woke up at 5, I figured I would just stay up and take my time getting ready for work. I could hear cars going by at normal speed and when I looked out the window, I saw minimal snow on the ground and none on the roads. 

Luckily Jen texted me to say we got an e-mail that we have a two-hour delay. I posted it on Facebook because...who wakes up and checks work e-mail before Facebook? I never would have checked it at all.

Steve texted me, "It snowed?" and I complained about my early wake-up for no reason. He said "take your roids and come lift." 

I really do have time to go to the gym. I really should go to the gym. It's Taco Night and Briele also wants to go for (vegan) pizza after my PT. But I'd soooooo much rather sit here for 3 hours watching this:

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