Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Inspiration

I am a little girl. I'm embellishing when I say that I'm 5'3". I didn't break 100 lbs. until after high school graduation. When I got my drivers license, my best friend and I made a pact to eat at McDonald's every day, partially because we wanted to gain weight and partially because we were just gross, apparently (oh, and there was nothing else to do in the suburbs besides eat junk and hang out in parking lots). 

I'm not saying any of this to brag (however, as I've told Laura, I think Morgan Spurlock owes us something for stealing our idea which, by the way, did not last very long). I'm saying this because as I'm nearing thirty, my metabolism has suddenly hit a wall and I have packed on more pounds in the past year than I ever have. I can't fit into most of my clothes, I don't feel good about the way I look, and I just feel gross, health-wise. 

As I'm writing this, my brother posts this on Facebook: A Science Teacher Lost 37 Pounds From Eating Nothing But McDonald’s

OK, back to the point: I'm tired of being a tomato on toothpicks (another term Laura and I came up with to describe small-framed people with skinny limbs and bigger guts). And okay, maybe those bottom toothpicks are getting less toothpicky. I'm tired of almost always having a stomachache. I decided to make a serious change to my diet and keep track of my progress here: I'm hopping on the 21-day-vegan bandwagon (maybe the bandwagon is 22 days; I don't know, ask Bey-Z).

Did I mention that I'm incredibly lazy, terrible at follow through, and I'm obsessed with bacon and cheese?  Like, I could live on this:

Photo Cred: Just Putzing Around the Kitchen, which just went on my Bookmarks bar

Hopefully blogging will keep me motivated. I'm also one of those a-holes who constantly takes pictures of food, so this provides a legit outlet for that. 

Now I'm going to go take a nap because it's too damn dreary to go to the gym today.

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